Destress before your child’s next big test with these super simple ideas. Test prep will be much easier! And your child will have a better chance of success with these easy ideas.
Do You Need Something Extra? Use These Pro Tips To Get Testing Done
What happens when you’ve tried everything, but nothing has helped? Maybe your child is falling farther and farther behind. All the tutoring and in-school extra attention just isn’t working. Or perhaps your child feels bored in class like they’ve already covered the material or just finish so much faster. Even the in-class enrichments just aren’t […]
What That Test Score Really Means…
Your kids have just been tested to their limit. They’ve probably had at least a week or two of testing just in the last few months. Over the whole year, the amount of testing time probably comes close to a full month. I’m really just guessing with that number though. Now the results of those […]
How To: Test with Google
Google has many, many uses. From creating shared documents and presentations to basic email, it seems like Google does it all! For teachers, and homeschooling families, Google Forms can be a huge time saver.
Easy Ways to Assess
Every teacher is required to constantly assess her students. Endless tests can get boring, so let’s mix it up with some painless ways to assess your students.
State Assessments Secrets
As we enter a new school year, state tests are pretty far away. But it doesn’t hurt to do your homework now and get prepared for the spring.