It’s in there again… A GIANT roll of completed work from my daughter’s school. It’s got to be at least 50 individual pages of worksheets. Yes, most of them are tracing or coloring pages, because she is three and in preschool. And I can’t just throw them away immediately because she would know. For older […]
Best School Day Morning Routine: Teachers Edition
Without fail, it happens. Just as I am sitting down at my desk in the morning to start on the never ending to do list, an EMERGENCY email pops up or a fellow teacher pokes her head in the door. Suddenly, the bell is ringing and I still haven’t made copies or use the […]
Best School Day Morning Routine: Parents Edition
Getting the kids dressed, fed, and out the door in a reasonable time can be tough, especially when you and your spouse also need to prep for the work day. However, there are definitely ways to optimize your morning routine.
Find out how with my best school day morning routine, parents edition!
4 Ways to Organize Your Teaching
An organized teacher is a better teacher! Discover 4 easy ways to organize your teaching in 2016.
Sorting all the junk your kid brings home
By now, you have been inundated with the endless papers that your child brings home. From soccer signups to classroom newsletters to homework, there are dozens of things that need your eyes.
To the Teachers: An appeal for paper sanity
Teachers, dear teachers, we send home papers. We send them home daily. Homework, tests, classwork, permission slips, sports sign-ups, and the other reams of notifications that “must” go home. They overwhelm parents with lists, and bullets, and due dates. May I make an appeal?