Keep your distance with pandemic safe teacher appreciation gifts that matter – all able to be sent via email!
Help Kids Handle Big Emotions with Ellie & Her Dragons
We’ve all seen kids meltdown, in public, in the classroom or at home. They’re overwhelmed with big emotions and just aren’t sure where to turn or what to do. Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons by Dr. Joseph Goodrich is a great picture book to help guide children to help handle emotions. Ellie is handling a […]
Get Set for Summer Starting Now
Right now is the best time to get set for summer! Steal these tips to tackle learning, summer fun, and summer vacations. Get set for the best summer ever!
How To Give the Best Teacher Presents
Giving the best teacher presents is so tough! It’s hard to know what to give that shows your appreciation without being too expensive or too cliche. Use this guide to help you give the best teacher gifts!
Winter Break is Here…Are You Ready? Use These Last Minute Tips to Help You Survive
Your child has been counting down to this all semester long: winter break. Finally, a chance to kick back and relax. And for you to spend quality time together as a family. Except you’ve blazed through ALL of your plans in the first 48 hours. Now your child is climbing the walls and you’re fresh […]
Are You Ready for the First Day? Create Memories with These Fun Traditions!
You’ve finished the back to school shopping. The kids have squeaky clean shoes and brand new clothes. Your coffee is even primed for the morning. And yet…you’re a little nervous to take this next step. For your kids to get another year older and bigger.
Thanks for a Great Year, Teach!
Eek! June is almost here, and that means school is almost out for summer! But before you head for the pool, grab a little something for the teachers. I mean, they’ve been spending 40 hours every week with your little darlings. Need some help figuring out what to get? Let me help!
Springtime Fun for MilKids
Right now, I have every. single. word. of Frozen, The Little Mermaid AND Beauty and the Beast memorized. For this, I would like to give a big “thanks, but but no thanks” to Mother Nature. We’ve been kept inside by rain, wind and cold weather. All of that has lead to some nasty colds, which […]
5 Ways to Celebrate MilKids in April
Happy Month of the Military Child!
Easy Valentine's Day Ideas for Busy Parents
My best-laid plans were rapidly going down the drain. Instead of sweetly crafting Pinterest-perfect Valentine’s, my three-year-old was trying to place 1,000 stickers on the dog. The baby was screaming. And I was trying to figure out if I could use artisanal wrapped wire to mainline wine. There HAS to be a better, less stressful, […]
Skip the Junk this Holiday Season with Easy Gifts for Kids that Last
Give easy gifts for kids, from infant to high school, with this great all-in-one gift guide for busy parents!
About Those Must Have Gifts
Can we talk about those “must have” gifts for the holiday season? You know, the ones that EVERYONE HAS TO HAVE OR CHRISTMAS IS RUINED FOREVER!!!!!!!!! I would like to make a suggestion: please stop it with the crazy.
The Kids are Already Antsy. Can You Survive December? Use These Super Easy Tips!
Right now, I’m dreading December. Not because of the holidays. I love those. It’s because for the whole month of December, until winter break, there will be no breaks. Three straight weeks of school. It’s bad enough for the teachers, but at least we get paid. For the kids, it’s pretty awful. All the excitement […]
The Ultimate Teacher Gifts Guide for Parents
Discover great teacher gifts to fit every budget and personality! This is the perfect gift guide for busy parents to use this holiday season!
Teaching Thanks(giving)!
Bring on the cute turkey cut-outs, acrostic poems, and Pilgrim hats! It’s Thanksgiving season, and now is a great time to integrate learning in all sorts of ways. Check out these quick tips, for homeschool and classroom and just for fun!