Bring on the cute turkey cut-outs, acrostic poems, and Pilgrim hats! It’s Thanksgiving season, and now is a great time to integrate learning in all sorts of ways. Check out these quick tips, for homeschool and classroom and just for fun!
How to Talk to Kids About the Election
In first grade, we held a mock election: Clinton VS Bush. I voted for Bush because I thought he was better looking. True story.
Summer Science Fun!
Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean that science, or learning, takes any time off.
Learn at the Beach!
Sun, sand, and knowledge? You betcha! Learn at the beach!
Using Money to Teach Math
Earlier this week, JJ Montanaro of USAA told us all about the value of opening savings accounts for children. Today, let’s talk about using money, checking, and savings as a real life math lesson.
The Star Spangled Banner
Symbol of our country. Anthem that represents us at home and abroad. The Star Spangled Banner
End of the Year Math Fun
When we hit the end of the year, everyone is just burned out. The kids have just endured endless high stakes testing prep and then can the actual tests. Teachers have been running on empty since Spring Break. But some learning still needs to happen. Because, you know, school. Here are some of my best […]
Memorial Day: A History
Next week is Memorial Day. Most of the country will go to a local parade and then spend the day barbecuing with friends and family. This day is meant to honor those who have died in service to our country.
Memorial Day: Arlington Cemetery
This month we will celebrate Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember those members of our armed forces who gave the last full measure of devotion for the United State by sacrificing their lives in service. Today, let’s learn about a historic and beautiful icon on Memorial Day, and America. Arlington National Cemetery
Why We Pledge Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands One nation under God Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Similes, Metaphors, and Friends
So, we all know about nouns, verbs, and pronouns. But do your kids know about similes, metaphors, and idioms? Well, get ready to teach these fun writing tricks with easy, FREE anchor charts!
DIY Poems: Found Poetry
What if I told you that you could take another person’s words and create your own beautiful poem? I bet, given how much I love citations, that you might think I was crazy. But Found Poetry is a thing, and it’s awesome. Found Poetry is easy!
Poems are like Flowers
There dozens of types of poems, each equally beautifully crafted to convey emotions, thoughts, feelings, stories, and impressions of life. That is what poems are meant to do: express something from the author to the reader. Today we’ll talk about a few of the most common types of poems that you will teach and use […]
Happy April! Happy Poetry Month
April showers may or may not be in your part of the world, but spring is starting to feel more spring-like for sure! April is Poetry Month!
Better Biography Projects
Biographies: traditionally a multi-paragraph report that is either typed or handwritten. But not every student shines in this type of format. Not every child is able to do their best work in writing. It’s worth it to explore alternate biography projects.
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