No matter what, school can be rough sometimes. It’s the little things that can make or break the school year. That’s why you should absolutely steal these top school tips right now. Putting just a few of these school tips into practice at any time during the school year has the potential to totally change […]
Stop School Stress with this One Super Simple Parent Tip!
Stop school stress when it comes to handling your child’s education when you follow this one simple parent trick: email the teacher!
Let’s Reset Your Child’s School Year This Month with One Easy Tip!
Let’s help your child get back on track with one super simple idea to reset your school year! Learn how to get started helping your child in the new year!
11 Habits of Highly Successful Parents That Help Kids in School
When you look around the carpool lane, every other parent seems to just have it. These highly successful parents are smiling, laughing, and look stress-free. What is their secret? Whatever it is, you want it! And you want it right now. Because school is definitely not easy-peasy for you. Every day is a struggle. Your […]
There’s Still Time to Fix Your School Year. Learn the #1 Tip Here!
Time to head back to school…again. Ugh. You just don’t know how to fix your school year! Your stomach is in absolute knots already. Just thinking about it makes you feel slightly sick to your stomach. No matter what you’ve tried, it’s just not going well. Every single day feels like an absolute knock-down, drag-out […]
Use These Simple Tips to Keep Your Cool at School
Tough times at your child’s school? Use these parent tips to keep your cool at school! You’ll see move success and feel more confident, too.
Got Bad News At Conferences? Here’s How To Handle It Like A Boss
So, you got some bad news at parent-teacher conferences. Before you start going crazy, take these simple steps to handle school news like a boss. How to handle bad school news like a boss Getting bad news about grades, behavior, or anything school related sucks. That goes double if you weren’t expecting to hear that […]
Nervous About Parent-Teacher Conferences? Here’s Exactly What To Say…
Palms are sweaty and your stomach feels a little queasy. The clock ticking on the wall seems to both be going very slowly and speeding right along. Suddenly, you hear your name called. Oh no! It’s your turn to talk to the teacher. But what should you say?
Prep Now To Win Conferences Later
Conferences are coming… And they are coming very quickly. Parent-teacher conferences are one of the best ways to keep your finger on the pulse of your child’s education. Unfortunately, they are unbelievably short and jam-packed full. But you can make the most of every minute of your conference with a few pro tips and a […]
Exactly What to do When Your Child’s Grades are Low
When your child’s grades are low, you might need help getting back on track. Use this guide to get started the right way!
What That Test Score Really Means…
Your kids have just been tested to their limit. They’ve probably had at least a week or two of testing just in the last few months. Over the whole year, the amount of testing time probably comes close to a full month. I’m really just guessing with that number though. Now the results of those […]
Why Grades Don't Matter in Elementary School
Let me tell you a secret: I’m a teacher who HATES giving final grades. I can see the smirks already. Yeah, right, she hates giving grades… Hear me out, though.
Easy Valentine's Day Ideas for Busy Parents
My best-laid plans were rapidly going down the drain. Instead of sweetly crafting Pinterest-perfect Valentine’s, my three-year-old was trying to place 1,000 stickers on the dog. The baby was screaming. And I was trying to figure out if I could use artisanal wrapped wire to mainline wine. There HAS to be a better, less stressful, […]
3 Reasons to Keep Your Sick Kid Home
Want to know why your sick kid should stay home? Here are 3 totally true reasons why:
Do These Things to Prep for the Next Step!
Whew! 2017 was a doozy! Whether your child is in kindergarten or getting ready to head off to college, you’ve probably been through a lot of changes. There have been amazing moment and some very low points, too. 2018 is right around the corner. And school is not going to be slowing down!