Eek! It’s May and the end of the year is, well, here. Don’t let the school year stop without an IEP meeting to wrap things up. Learn how to finish strong with tips and tricks that you can use today. Just a reminder: nothing on this website or in this article is considered to be […]
5 Tips to Understand Extended School Year
Special education doesn’t stop just because it’s summer vacation. Extended school year, or ESY, is a continuation of your child’s IEP when school is out of session. But it doesn’t just happen. Here’s what you need to know. 5 Tips to Understand Extended School Year Just a reminder: nothing on this website or in this […]
Get Set for Summer Starting Now
Right now is the best time to get set for summer! Steal these tips to tackle learning, summer fun, and summer vacations. Get set for the best summer ever!
How To Give the Best Teacher Presents
Giving the best teacher presents is so tough! It’s hard to know what to give that shows your appreciation without being too expensive or too cliche. Use this guide to help you give the best teacher gifts!
Search for a Great Tutor Now
“Kids, what is 5×4?” *blank stares* “Seriously, you definitely covered this last year! Doesn’t anyone know?” *more blank stares* Summer slide. It’s sooooo real, and teachers are always playing catch-up for the first month or so of school. Help your teacher and hire a tutor this summer!
Thanks for a Great Year, Teach!
Eek! June is almost here, and that means school is almost out for summer! But before you head for the pool, grab a little something for the teachers. I mean, they’ve been spending 40 hours every week with your little darlings. Need some help figuring out what to get? Let me help!
Jump Start Your Schoolwork Declutter
It’s in there again… A GIANT roll of completed work from my daughter’s school. It’s got to be at least 50 individual pages of worksheets. Yes, most of them are tracing or coloring pages, because she is three and in preschool. And I can’t just throw them away immediately because she would know. For older […]
End of the Year Math Fun
When we hit the end of the year, everyone is just burned out. The kids have just endured endless high stakes testing prep and then can the actual tests. Teachers have been running on empty since Spring Break. But some learning still needs to happen. Because, you know, school. Here are some of my best […]
The Best End of the Year Gifts for Teachers
The end of the year is rapidly approaching, and it’s time to start thinking about what mementoes and tokens you want to give to your teacher. But let’s be real: you don’t want to spend a fortune or give something the teacher won’t appreciate.
Sorting all the junk your kid brings home
By now, you have been inundated with the endless papers that your child brings home. From soccer signups to classroom newsletters to homework, there are dozens of things that need your eyes.
School's Out for Summer!
But that doesn’t mean that your student should stop learning! In fact, studies have shown that a student who reads over the summer will return to school in the fall with less regression.