Getting the kids dressed, fed, and out the door in a reasonable time can be tough, especially when you and your spouse also need to prep for the work day.
However, there are definitely ways to optimize your morning routine.
This is my best school day morning routine, parents edition.
Night Before
Morning prep should start the night before. You can accomplish a lot of the essentials now, while you are thinking about it, rather than in the wee hours of the morning when you are bleary eyed and tired.
- Set aside some of dinner for lunches the next day. Pre-pack these portions in food storage containers with lids. Label everyone’s container for easy grab-and-go in the morning. Or pre-make and bag sandwiches.
- While you’re at it, divvy up fruit, snacks, and drinks for everyone, too. Place these items directly next to or on top of the lunchtime main course. For non-perishable items, place directly into lunch boxes now.
- Get breakfast going in your slow cooker or fridge. Overnight oatmeal is super easy to make and packed with carbs, fiber, and whatever toppings your family enjoys. To speed things up even more, make a giant batch on Sunday night and eat it all week long.
Work with your kids to pick out their outfit (plus one alternate) for the next day. Lay everything, include socks and undies, out. Iron if needed. Or speed it up even more and create five to seven outfits for the week.
- Put everything needed (undies, socks, belts, accessories) on a hanger or in a hanging organizer. Then just grab the clothes and throw them on in the morning.
- Stuff the backpacks NOW. And have the kids pack themselves. If they haven’t, they won’t know where to look tomorrow! Totally double check that homework, notes, and permission slips are where they belong though.
- Put backpacks in a spot where they are easy to grab in the morning. It could be next to the door, in the garage, in the car, or where you sit for breakfast.
Rise and Shine!
With so much already done, your morning can be spent fighting for precious bathroom time and gulping your coffee!
There are still a few last minute things to do, however. So let’s optimize these tasks, too.
- Take all lunch items out of the fridge and pack into the lunch boxes.
- Put lunch boxes into backpacks and briefcases.
- Shower (if this wasn’t on your to-do list last night), brush teeth/hair, get dressed, and double check that your clothes are good for the day. Be sure to check the weather.
Need some help getting everything done? Use my handy dandy checklist, designed to help YOUR family get everything done in a timely fashion. Post it somewhere easy to see and remember.
How do you get everyone ready to go in the morning?
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